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Venetia's Ohara Gardening Diary

エッセイやイラスト、ハーブの育て方、ハーブレシピ、庭造りのコツなどが詰まった、ベニシアの初の英語の著書!「ベニシアの庭づくり ハーブと暮らす12か月」の英語の原文を編集したものです。英会話スクールで長年教えているベニシアならではの、シンプルで平易な英語で書かれている。 "In England, Jersey, Spain and Japan I have grown up in gardens―played and learned in them, laughed and cried, raised a family and made many friends. All the while I have kept diaries, made drawings and collected snippets of wisdom to nurture the inner garden of my heart. I am overjoyed to share with you in this book some of the stories behind my cottage garden in Kyoto where I now live. I hope that this fruit of my personal journey will help and inspire you in yours."

Venetia's Ohara Gardening Diaryの巻一覧

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Venetia's Ohara Gardening Diaryの作品情報


エッセイやイラスト、ハーブの育て方、ハーブレシピ、庭造りのコツなどが詰まった、ベニシアの初の英語の著書!「ベニシアの庭づくり ハーブと暮らす12か月」の英語の原文を編集したものです。英会話スクールで長年教えているベニシアならではの、シンプルで平易な英語で書かれている。 "In England, Jersey, Spain and Japan I have grown up in gardens―played and learned in them, laughed and cried, raised a family and made many friends. All the while I have kept diaries, made drawings and collected snippets of wisdom to nurture the inner garden of my heart. I am overjoyed to share with you in this book some of the stories behind my cottage garden in Kyoto where I now live. I hope that this fruit of my personal journey will help and inspire you in yours."

Venetia's Ohara Gardening Diaryのレビュー
