Social Development, Culture, and Participation

既刊(1巻 最新刊)

Social Development, Culture, and Participation

※この電子書籍は固定レイアウト型で配信されております。固定レイアウト型は文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 What is the role of culture in endogenous development? Analysis of Tanzania through theory, history, data,and field research answers this question. Theoretical analysis indicated neither Ujamaa nor recent development policies facilitated endogenous development, but rather development based on culture should be emphasized. Historically, culture was created on ecological systems, structured by social processes, and selected by diverse agencies. Data analysis indicated that endogenous participation should be considered as a prerequisite for social development. People's perspectives in southeast Tanzania illustrate that diverse agencies promote endogenous development. Empowerment and dialogue of agencies, in addition to structural change are proposed as factors enabling endogenous development.

Social Development, Culture, and Participationの巻一覧

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Social Development, Culture, and Participationの作品情報


※この電子書籍は固定レイアウト型で配信されております。固定レイアウト型は文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 What is the role of culture in endogenous development? Analysis of Tanzania through theory, history, data,and field research answers this question. Theoretical analysis indicated neither Ujamaa nor recent development policies facilitated endogenous development, but rather development based on culture should be emphasized. Historically, culture was created on ecological systems, structured by social processes, and selected by diverse agencies. Data analysis indicated that endogenous participation should be considered as a prerequisite for social development. People's perspectives in southeast Tanzania illustrate that diverse agencies promote endogenous development. Empowerment and dialogue of agencies, in addition to structural change are proposed as factors enabling endogenous development.

Social Development, Culture, and Participationのレビュー
