
(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Man

『人間を考える』の英文版。社会がグローバル化しさらに混迷が深まり、人々が自らを見失いつつある現代。今こそ、「人間とは何か、いかにいきるべきか」を問いただす時だろう。9歳から実業一筋に歩んできた著者が、様々な人からの意見と自らの経験を交え「人のあり方」を提唱したロングセラーの書。 “Advocating a New View of Humanity” by K. Matsushita, founder of Panasonic He engaged in business for more than 80 years, since he was nine years old. He thought about man and society through his long business life and experience as well, seeking peace, happiness, and prosperity for the world. This book was originally published in Japanese in 1972, and will give us hints and ideas to the question “What is man and how should he act in society?”. He said, “I have limited my discussion in this volume to what seems to me to be the most basic and important aspects of man. I sincerely hope that this book will make a small contribution to the realization of peace, happiness and prosperity.”
(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Man

(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Man


(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Manの他の巻を読む

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(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Manの作品情報


『人間を考える』の英文版。社会がグローバル化しさらに混迷が深まり、人々が自らを見失いつつある現代。今こそ、「人間とは何か、いかにいきるべきか」を問いただす時だろう。9歳から実業一筋に歩んできた著者が、様々な人からの意見と自らの経験を交え「人のあり方」を提唱したロングセラーの書。 “Advocating a New View of Humanity” by K. Matsushita, founder of Panasonic He engaged in business for more than 80 years, since he was nine years old. He thought about man and society through his long business life and experience as well, seeking peace, happiness, and prosperity for the world. This book was originally published in Japanese in 1972, and will give us hints and ideas to the question “What is man and how should he act in society?”. He said, “I have limited my discussion in this volume to what seems to me to be the most basic and important aspects of man. I sincerely hope that this book will make a small contribution to the realization of peace, happiness and prosperity.”

(英文版)人間を考える Thoughts on Manのレビュー
